Saturday, December 4, 2010

Star Lower Hip Tattoo

David Asphalt - A machine

David asphalt known or may not - yet. As part of the asphalt writers, the good man was already in the field of view of some rap and in early October with "Machines," his first solo album to be related to the start, which comes with all 21 pieces very comprehensive so with Chakuza also like a very namhafen Guest can boast. A big feature of course, but not nearly enough, to deliver a clearly audible album and so it will be interesting how David asphalt on his debut a proposal.

makes the beginning of "Ground Zero" with Chakuza in tow, a pleasant if not outstanding track on the "Same Game" follows. This makes them particularly of instrumental side of view, quite fun and brings a four pleasant minutes, which are characterized by a well known sample from Sam Cooke's 'Wonderful World'. Otherwise there is little in the initial phase Hervorhebbares. The beats are okay, but rarely spectacular or memorable and David asphalt rhymes bravely through the tracks, but acts often too rigid in terms of the rhymes, and thus provides for a somewhat monotonous continuous on the album.

Halfway through it then takes longer to gain momentum and convinced either by successful Exploitation ("Blue Steel"), or textual variety as the "liquor" in which David talks about booze, love and praise so that they could first get the impression that the text was dedicated to a woman and therefore a conventional track for Queen of Hearts. Now say "a machine" more and reached the excellent "The Lawnmower Man" his absolute peak, which remains stuck in the ear and convince at the first hearing entirely white. And by "As Time goes by so fast" and "When I write" there are still two tracks, the others as a musical well have earned a good note.

All in all, "Machines" is a decent album, with which you satisfied, though not completely may be. It can be found Represents, positively tuned songs and tracks, which makes the conscious mind is not only listening, but fun. That David asphalt as a rapper at best gives an average figure, to get over the face of a solo debut and gives hope to a progressive and positive development. For the bears here have heard quite a bit and potential room for improvement. Solid.
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