Monday, June 7, 2010

Making Bresaolarecipe

Postcard from New Zealand. Emma Watson

Malte, Malte dear!

Believe it not, I've yet smooth cut the finger against the mailbox out of sheer joy when I "AT: Quiny" have read and when I decipher your beautiful writing finally could, I knew it from DIR is. Wuahaa. Well who else besides you is currently in New Zealand and known me.
The year book is finished, start on Wednesday the sale. Our annual release party is unfortunately gone down the drain. Very good, that everything is ok with you. Currently in Germany / Rastede is relatively summery.
like the mood in New Zealand you ready? Have you met many people? It must be really adventurous, or not? Does your family starve yourself or why you assuage your hunger with washing powder ?????!? ?
So, once again many thanks for the cool card and discover all of New Zealand!

guerrilla greeting.

xD Yes. I zap it. Among the coolest freaks.


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