" cage "- in Islam, not only for hens:
" And who your wives one commits fornication, the four of you to receive him witnesses against them. And they do testify, they schließet into the houses until death takes them approaching or Allah gives them a way "(Sura 4, verse 15;. What to do with fornication commits be men about it, the Koran is silent here .)
This verse is also called women's prison-verse . His tragic practical implementation is in the book "I , princess of the House of Saud Al " described by J. Sasson: A Daughter of Saudi royal family was imprisoned because of their love for a student in London in the so-called women's chamber. Only one slot in the door was used for administration of food and a hole in the ground for sewage . On page 202, and 265F. , the above verse as the reason for the inhuman treatment given.
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