Friday, October 29, 2010

How To Make Chocolate Cigarello

in the garden there is to do less and less ...

because we have weaned ourselves ...
the leaves of the flower beds and also from the lawn to rake away ...
the bushes and the withered stalks to prune the plants so the birds in winter are still many seeds as food.
foliage is the most natural fertilizer at all, and many small, useful garden inhabitants see the piles of leaves its hiding places and can reasonably survive the winter ...

... it is worthwhile to meet
the autumn leaves with equanimity ...

our garden decorations we have packed into winter quarters, the planted bucket to protect against the frost on our "olle" hedge angehäufelt made and the roses with soil ...

of which I have not made any photographs, these "measures" knows every one of you ;-))))

when searching through strawberry plants
I made a great discovery ...

* woow * amazed and excited about the strawberry blossom end of October, now I long to me a lot of sunlight caused , these small strawberries perhaps mature yet, but I think the is only a pipe dream, even though the temperatures are to rise again by the weekend ...

in this sense I wish you
a beautiful and sunny weekend

and am sincerely Yours
your Traudi from the Secret Garden

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yamaha Hdmi Sound Out

~ ~ a little melancholy

is my current mood ~ ~
this light and shadow photo ~ ~ ~
of even Green-leaved hosta with a peacock butterfly wings ~ ~
it shows why ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~

Farbenstäubchen on the rocker
summery butterflies
volatile they are, are transient
As the gifts that I bring,
As the wreaths that I braid
Like the songs, I sing: hover
quick pass all
Its duration is limited,
like a foam to fluctuating wave ,
Like a breath on a shiny blade. Not
immortality I demand,
death is the lot of things:
My notes are fragile
As the glass, to the I sound. 're

August Graf von Platen 1796-1835

very fond greetings from
your Traudi

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cheat For Tech Points


and all-white blossoms still the Jasminblütige Solanum Jasminoides
Three years ago I had this beautiful twining, get paid to belong to the nightshade family plants and managed to overwinter them in the basement.

thanked me will bloom with rich,

even Buddleia has been infected, and also shows once again his beautiful flower spikes

This photo I took at the weekend " "and I must say I am very excited about this plant, and very much hope they push through this winter. ;-))))

warm, October sunny greetings from your Traudi

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Skateland Putty Hill Party Costs

from RED will ...

the green tomatoes
late, very late I have sown the seeds ...
in only May ...

there were so many plants,
I was able to accommodate not all
and have half away

they grew splendidly
and the rewards were enormous
thick beefsteak tomatoes, unfortunately nameless, but very, very tasty
a shame that people can only enjoy for a time, the tasty tomato
from the garden
unless a heated greenhouse is available

these three stragglers I did yesterday in the late evening light photographed
are still very green around the nose * lol *

a bit of sun and heat in the coming days I would I really want
* for all of us *


* I want you for your nice comments *
* * *
and my new readers to welcome *

I am so glad that I comment back to some extent, post and upload images and hope very much you have me not too long missing

cordial greetings from your Traudi