Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hotpoint Aquarius Dishwasher A1 Flashing

16-year-old girl executed in Iran

*** *** Sharia is FASCISM

A hair-raising Fund Units under

"... The execution of Atefah Rajabi hands back almost two years, but we want to - because in our media was not reported at that time - again remember them. When she 15 August was executed in 2004, Atefeh Rajabi was 16 years old. She was hanged from a crane at the main junction of the small city of Neka in Mazandaran province and 45 minutes dangling high above the terrified and sobbing amount can . Their crime was "one of chastity to be agreed upon act," says the verdict of a local court which was upheld by the Supreme Court. Apparently she had sexual contact with an older man was most likely raped been, but such details are not interested in the court . Since Atefeh had no access to a lawyer, she tried to defend herself. But that made everything worse. She "undressed in court" (took off the scarf) and had a "sharp tongue," the judge said, a certain Haji Razaie, and sentenced them to death. He was so angry that he put his hand to the young girls noose around his neck . When the case to the Supreme Court did, he traveled to Tehran to persuade the local judges to receive the death sentence upright. ... After Atefeh execution received by the Governor of Mazandaran Razaie judge a letter of congratulations for his "firm stand".

An unnamed journalist Iran Focus talked to some of Atefeh classmates, friends, relatives and neighbors to the cruel fate of the young girl to explain further. ... She was a victim of violence and exploitation by relatives and local officials. At least one of her relatives she would rape her, but she did not see him because they knew that they would support no one. At 16 she had already been five times convicted of immoral conduct. Every time they got 100 lashes and was kept for several days in jail where she was abused by the Islamic morals police and abused .

Islam - Religion of Peace ""

commentary from the above Weblog:

. "And there are infinitely many Atefeh .. .

It has the horror behind them, thousands of other girls and women are still in the middle.

I go any understanding to the effect, if women convert to Islam. Even without the husband or Friend. What is this masochism? "

" What is worse? The ever of good Muslims denounced everyday and public "indecency" in the West, or the suppressed and secret perversion of people who consider themselves outwardly way represent the moral high "

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Sigmoid Colon Mesentry

Nigeria: Christian stoned

- quoted from / :

"In Nigeria, Muslim extremists have beaten a Christian and stoned to death. She had previously preached in the street young Muslims and the Gospel tracts distributed. ...

As the Protestant pastor Daniel Mazuri reported leader of the Muslims have claimed that the woman had insulted the Prophet Mohammed by their evangelism, which must be according to Islamic religious law, Sharia, punished with death. The police then took the woman into custody in order to protect them from angry Muslims. Then the men tried to storm the police station and set fire. The police wanted the woman put through a back door to safety, but all roads were under siege by Muslims. When the law enforcement officials knew that they were outnumbered, they left them the woman to save her own life. ...

Mazuri is convinced that the Muslims wanted to provoke religious conflicts. Approximately to half the population are Christians and Muslims Izoms. Previously, it was customary for Christians to evangelize on the street. Niger is one of twelve of the 36 states of Nigeria have adopted Sharia. Of the approximately 136 million inhabitants of the West African country nearly 49 percent Christians, 45 percent Muslims and the rest adherents of indigenous beliefs. ... "

... and DO NOT FORGET: Islam is "Peace" - the peace of his victims in the cemeteries!