Sharia is FASCISM *** ***
Islam, the religion of "peace" - but also the humanity?
Muslim leaders like the flat as well as in sweeping a non-life slogan "Islam is peace" in the mouth.
Besides being difficult to understand this claim both in the face of continued terrorist acts in the name of Allah and in view of the military history of Islam is allowed to "peace" really do not get mixed up with "respect for human rights."
For it is hereby ordered bad in many Islamic countries. About the disenfranchisement of women in the Koran (worth only half of inheritance, testimony only half of those of a man, divorce of possible difficulty etc. ) also impressed, especially the Islamic criminal law, the Sharia, the specter of Islamic backwardness and inhumanity.
passionately Now while Muslims bekalgen like all the nastiness of the Westerners (from the Crusades of the Middle Ages to the Neo-Crusades of Mr. Bush) silenced they usually, if the alleged crime of "divine" right to language brings in countries where Islam is the majority religion. Reference is made to the oh-so-low crime rate - thanks to Sharia "- such as Saudi Arabia, where present between the cultural desert of the strict Wahhabi Islam public beheadings often the only" entertainment ".
to this blog now the most blatant cases of human rights violations in the shadowy realm of the Great Manitu documented from the desert be.
As a small indication that the sharia also integrated with local, because of their very good German-acting (a fallacy ... ) Muslims has attachments, I quote the words of a Turkish website operator in GERMANY:
" The Shari'at states that there is a death penalty must be by stoning. ... Just this: We Muslims are always observe the laws of Shari'at and execute them! For you this may be "cruel", ". |
(. No comment Just one question: Is sociopathic religious well-cured?).